

1. 以下就是java世界老幼皆知的double check方法

在文章中Peter Haggar不遺餘力的指出double check原理是多麼的不可靠。
原因: 類似SomeClass instance = new SomeClass();
之類的操作不是原子性的,用pseudo code 來表示就是:
mem = allocate();             //Allocate memory for Singleton object.
instance = mem;               //Note that instance is now non-null, but
                              //has not been initialized.
ctorSingleton(instance);      //Invoke constructor for Singleton  passing instance

2. 然後Peter Haggar給出了個"解決辦法",俺被誤導了

1. 顯然,看起來太蠢笨了
2. 由於JIT Compiler的優化,這個也不會起作用

If this optimization takes place, you have the same out-of-order write problem we discussed earlier.

3. Another idea is to use the keyword volatile for the variables inst and instance.

  • The problem here is not with sequential consistency. Code is being moved, not reordered.
  • Many JVMs do not implement volatile correctly regarding sequential consistency anyway.

    4. 最後的解決辦法:D
  • Accept the synchronization of a getInstance() method as shown in Listing 2.

  • Forgo synchronization and use a static field.